Antenna question« Back to Questions List
Good day, my name is Walter Andres, I currently live in Hollywood, but after 30 years here, it’s time to move, so Coral Springs, here I come🤗. Yesterday, I had the pleasure of talking with KB4ICU David Warner. I had a question that he thought the you guys might be able to answer for me. I am a general class operator and was trying to find out about any antenna restrictions in Coral Springs. I am not buying a house with an HOA, as I know, that would be an issue. According to code enforcement, they said there are no restrictions as far as the city is concerned, but I just wanted to verify that With any Ham Radio operators living within the city. I just joined your club and have been a member of Davy Cooper city amateur Radio club for a long while. I thank you very much and I look forward to meeting all of you when I move to Coral Springs. 73 de KE4NTG
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Hi Walter. Welcome to the Parrot Amateur Radio Club. I sent an email our to all our members to see if any of us might be able to answer your question regarding antenna codes in Coral Springs. My suggestion is for you to go to the Coral Springs City Hall and talk to the City Code Enforcement department directly for clarification on Coral Springs code for antenna use in none HOA developments. But – You might also want to talk with neighbors in the community you are moving to and see if they are aware of any restrictions in that development. Best of luck and welcome to Coral Springs and the Parrot ARC.
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