ATN - Amateur Television Network

Welcome to the Amateur Television Network Website
The Amateur Television Network (ATN) was started by a group at ATVers in Southern California. It grew from one ATV repeater to a NETWORK of linked repeaters known as the Amateur Television Network. The ATN then branched out to Nevada (Las Vegas) and to several repeaters in Arizona.
Through contacts make on the internet and at the Dayton Hamvention the ATN started other state chapters to include Northern California, Florida, Delaware, Kentucky, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana. New Mexico, and Washington. As the ATN grew the groups in Arizona and Nevada became their own chapters. Some chapters are still around and functional, others sadly have folded up shop and moved on.
Other groups of ATVers, like the Amateur Television in Central Ohio (ATCO) interface from time to time with the Amateur Television Network but have chosen to not become a chapter of the ATN. Some existing clubs like the Boulder ATV club, the St. Louis Amateur Television Society, and the Dayton Amateur Radio Club’s ATV group wanted to form an ATN chapter but keep their name within the new chapter. We now have ATN-Boulder, ATN-SLATS and ATN-DARA.
Look around the site and let us know what you like, what we can improve on, or how we can help bring Amateur Television to a repeater site near you.