
CW: Abbreviations

AA- All afterPBL- Preamble
AB- All beforePSE- Please
ABT- AboutPWR- Power
ADR- AddressPX- Press
AGN- AgainR- Received as transmitted; Are
AM- Amplitude ModulationRCD- Received
ANT- AntennaRCVR- Receiver
B4- BeforeSASE- Self-addressed, stamped envelope
BCI- Broadcast InterferenceRX- Receiver
BCL- Broadcast ListenerREF- Refer to; Referring to; Reference
BK- Break, Break inRFI- Radio frequency interference
BN- All between; BeenRIG- Station equipment
BUG- Semi-Automatic keyRTTY- Radio teletype
C- YesSED- Said
CFM- Confirm; I confirmSIG- Signature; Signal
CK-CkeckSINE- Operator's personal initials or nickname
CL- I am closing my station; CallSKED- Schedule
CLD- CalledSRI- Sorry
CLG- CallingSSB- Single Side Band
CQ- Calling any stationSVC- Service; Prefix to service message
CW- Continuous waveT- Zero
DLD- DeliveredTFC- Traffic
DLVD- DeliveredTMW- Tomorrow
DR- DearTKS- Thanks
DX- DistanceTNX- Thanks
ES- AndTT- That
FB- Fine Business, excellentTU- Thank you
FM- Frequency ModulationTVI- Television interference
GA- Go aheadTX- Transmitter
GM- Good morningTXT- Text
GN- Good nightUR- Your; You're
GND- GroundURS- Yours
GUD- GoodVFO- Variable Frequency Oscillator
HI- The telegraph laugh; HighVY- Very
HR- Here; HearWA- Word after
HV- HaveWB- Word before
HW- HowWD- Word
LID- A poor operatorWDS- Words
MA- MillamperesWKD- Worked
MILS- MillamperesWKG- Working
MSG- Message; Prefix to radiogramWL- Well; Will
N- NoWUD- Would
NCS- Net Control StationWX- Weather
ND- Nothing DoingXCVR- Transceiver
NIL- Nothing; I have nothing for youXMTR- Transmitter
NM- No moreXTAL- Crystal
NR- NumberXYL- Wife
NW- Now; I resume transmissionYL- Young lady
OB- Old boy73- Best Regards
OC- Old chap88- Love and kisses
OM- Old man
OP- Operator
OPR- Operator
OT- Old timer; Old top
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