Bylaws Amendment Form Please read your ParrotARC Bylaws and then let us know if you agree with the current Bylaws of if you wish to make an amendment using the form below. At our next meeting we will vote on any changes you wish to make. First Name *Last Name *Email Address *Callsign *Change to Bylaws Yes/No *No Change to ARTICLE I of the current ParrotARC BylawsYes Change to ARTICLE I of the current ParrotARC Bylaws as outlined belowARTICLE IChange to Bylaws Yes/No *No Change to ARTICLE II of the current ParrotARC BylawsYes Change to ARTICLE II of the current ParrotARC Bylaws as outlined belowARTICLE IIChange to Bylaws Yes/No *No Change to ARTICLE III of the current ParrotARC BylawsYes Change to ARTICLE III of the current ParrotARC Bylaws as outlined belowARTICLE IIIChange to Bylaws Yes/No *No Change to ARTICLE IV of the current ParrotARC BylawsYes Change to ARTICLE IV of the current ParrotARC Bylaws as outlined belowARTICLE IVChange to Bylaws Yes/No *No Change to ARTICLE V of the current ParrotARC BylawsYes Change to ARTICLE V of the current ParrotARC Bylaws as outlined belowARTICLE VChange to Bylaws Yes/No *No Change to ARTICLE VI of the current ParrotARC BylawsYes Change to ARTICLE VI of the current ParrotARC Bylaws as outlined belowARTICLE VIChange to Bylaws Yes/No *No Change to ARTICLE VII of the current ParrotARC BylawsYes Change to ARTICLE VII of the current ParrotARC Bylaws as outlined belowARTICLE VIIChange to Bylaws Yes/No *No Change to ARTICLE VIII of the current ParrotARC BylawsYes Change to ARTICLE VIII of the current ParrotARC Bylaws as outlined belowARTICLE VIIIChange to Bylaws Yes/No *No Change to ARTICLE IX of the current ParrotARC BylawsYes Change to ARTICLE IX of the current ParrotARC Bylaws as outlined belowARTICLE IXChange to Bylaws Yes/No *No Change to ARTICLE X of the current ParrotARC BylawsYes Change to ARTICLE X of the current ParrotARC Bylaws as outlined belowARTICLE XChange to Bylaws Yes/No *No Change to ARTICLE XI of the current ParrotARC BylawsYes Change to ARTICLE XI of the current ParrotARC Bylaws as outlined belowARTICLE XIChange to Bylaws Yes/No *No Change to ARTICLE XII of the current ParrotARC BylawsYes Change to ARTICLE XII of the current ParrotARC Bylaws as outlined belowARTICLE XIIChange to Bylaws Yes/No *No Change to ARTICLE XIII of the current ParrotARC BylawsYes Change to ARTICLE XIII of the current ParrotARC Bylaws as outlined belowARTICLE XIII Consent *Yes, I agree to vote on this document as outlined within the current ParrotARC Amateur Radio Club BylawsSend Message